Sometimes you have to lose something to gain something better. A door has to shut before a new door can open… a new Hebraic year starts 5784, a year of the letter Dalet which means DOOR 🚪 portal to heaven, authority, control! Etc Do not feel bad for the closed doors 🚪 or the broken relationships because what has been presented to us is far more valuable!
You have been presented with an opportunity to enter into a new door.. leave everything that’s been tying you down and enter into your door of opportunity! Four is inductive of authority; you have been given authority over that situation that has weighed you down, that situation that has overtaken and overwhelmed you in times past… you have been going into the same cycles 🔄 but now you must choose to walk into your NEW!
Choose to cast off fear 😰 and put on the breastplate presented to you and a golden plate on your forehead inscribed with God’s name YHWH forever no one to touch! That shall be a mark of holiness and no more shall your old enemies attack you! You shall be marked permanently and separated for YHWH alone as holy!
Choose not to settle for less because as a child of God, you are more valuable! Do you see your value? God is calling you to authority and kingship in this season… but you can’t take on your next assignment unless you begin to see yourself through the eyes of the creator YHWH! He has entrusted you with kingdom affairs and you have got to wear strength, boldness and courage because you have to lead others to His throne using your different giftings.
Let those old doors close, those unyielding friendships, unfruitful opportunities and desert places where you have been staying.. some of you have been asked to move to new places and this is the time! Do not hold back because a new door has been presented. There are angels that have been dispatched to execute on your behalf, so stand in your authority and summon them to proceed with the tasks ahead!
Recognize the authority you have been given to step forward into your new door of opportunity without being afraid of what awaits you because there is a special covering on you which is the covenant that you have made with God! Remember He is a covenant keeping God! This door 🚪 shows us the way into the throne room of Adonai, the place of authority/ kingship.
Remember Jesus is the door for the sheep John 10:7-9 it is impossible to get close to God without Jesus! This calls us all to a place of intimacy with Jesus and then we can gain authority that’s been given to us!
Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you 😊 that a new door has been opened for us this season. We possess it in Jesus mighty name! We choose to not resist the pressure of closed doors because that’s the pathway to our new door! We choose not to fear 😰 the Terror and pestilence that may come our way, because you have covered us with your covenant of peace. We move into our new of opportunity with boldness and courage covered in the full armor of God in Jesus mighty name! Amen 🙏
