To My called children,
Just as you are My children, a treasure unto Me, have I not also given you children as a blessing?
As a heritage from My own hand?
In the secret place I skillfully formed each human soul with great precision and care. Each part of them unique to any other child in the world. They are My most precious creation.
Just as the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who become like a child, My little ones bring unto Me the most innocent and purest forms of praise and worship. They bring such great joy to My heart! Out of the mouths of these little ones, have I ordained strength and perfected My praise!
With a flash of My Light, I carefully placed them in the womb of the mother of My choosing. Where each detailed part of their vessel develops and is made ready for their place in this world. For such a time as this.
I have carefully observed their form as they grow within that secret place. As their heart began to beat, I was there. As their eyes began to open, I was there. As they began to hear sound, I was there. Each part so intricately designed to bring Me glory.
As My unique vessel enters into this world and breathes their first breath of life it is My very breath in their lungs. With their first cry, they say My Name, YHWH.
In My book every number of their days were written. The angels I have assigned over these little ones are ever before My face.
Just as you become My adopted sons and daughters who were created for My purposes, so are these little ones as arrows in My quiver.
My Father’s heart for My little ones is sore grieved at how some of My children have handled My most precious creation which I have entrusted them with. My innocent little ones. Though the people of this world do not know Me or My Ways, those who are called my My Name have The Word to show them the Way.
My anger is kindled and the Holy fire of My wrath burns white hot when I see how scarcely these little ones are tended to. How they are ignored and left to fend for themselves, exposed to a dangerous world of unsupervised madness. Exposed to abominations that defile through the black boxes of sorcery and divination.
I have said to train these up in the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and they will not depart from it. I have said to correct them in love and mercy just as I correct My children. As it is written, a good Father chastises those He loves.
So I ask you My Children:
Have you told your little ones of My Son? Do they know Him? For if they know Him, they know Me.
Have you demonstrated to them My holiness through your own life? Have you shared with them the need for My Son’s blood to cover them and cleanse them? Have you taught them how to place upon them My armor of protection, preparing and training up My little warriors?
Have you protected their little eyes and ears from the devices of the enemy, as I, the Most High God have commanded you?
For you well know these are the entrance gates into their delicate hearts. The enemy enters in through what they see and hear. Just as subtle as the serpent deceived Eve through the beautiful fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, so too are my vulnerable little ones being deceived through what is carelessly allowed and even placed in front of their eyes and their ears.
The god of this world hates them, for they are made in My own image. He wants to defile them and make them
useless for My work. I see all things done in darkness to my little ones. These things will be brought into my Light for My righteous judgement. Darkness is as light to Me. Night is as day. Vengeance is mine, and I will repay. It would be better for a millstone to be hung around the neck of those who allow abominations to defile the temples that are my little children.
My priesthood is a royal one.
My priests are holy, living sacrifices, and they train up their children to be holy, living sacrifices unto Me.
Do I not require holiness?
Isn’t your body a temple unto Me? Are not your children’s body’s
also Holy vessels set apart unto Me?
Woe to you who reject knowledge!
My Spirit is one of knowledge and I have given this to you in abundance. Why do you ignore it? Didn’t I warn that when you reject such knowledge, I will reject you as a priest unto Me? And I will also reject your children?
I say to you, strengthen what remains. Take heed to the devices of the god of this world. His devices will soon become impossible to run from. Will your laziness and lack of regard for their little souls cause them to be rejected too? By offering them on dark altars to the Prince of the power of the air? Exposing them to the wickedness in the heavenly places through unsupervised technology?
These things reveal the nakedness and shame of Spiritual Sodom and Egypt…the great harlot of Babylon. Woe unto My foolish children raising up foolish children!
Oh how I long to cover their eyes and their ears and to be their shield and buckler! But I gave them to you to train up. So I say to you:
Choose this day, whom you will serve. If it is I, YHWH you choose, My command has always been to put away the idols from your hearts. To stop serving technology through your phones, ignoring your children, and to seek Me while I can be found. I Am also commanding you to remove the dark and wicked devices from their eyes and their ears. To protect their hearts. Train them in My Way. In My law of Truth and Light. Show them Who My Son is, for He is their Way back Home to Me!
For my Sons and Daughter’s who have offered your children unto
Me…who have protected their hearts and minds…who have placed your children at My feet and set them apart for Me:
You shall receive double honor. A double portion shall be your portion. For you have come out of Mystery Babylon. You have separated your households from the abominations of her sins. To you, I say endure and overcome through My Sons’ blood! I know the road you are on is very narrow. Though many have chosen to be lazy and careless in the Way, your reward shall be great.
My Kingdom belongs to you, and to your children. You shall be priests unto Me and serve alongside My Son Jesus, Yahushua, ruling with Him with a rod of iron. I will greatly multiply your blessings and your children shall never hunger nor thirst. For I AM has given them Living Bread and Water.
I love you My children, My sons and daughters. I have chosen you to go and bear much fruit. Begin by tending to the garden within your own households. It is your first and most important ministry, and every thing you do will flow from that.
You and the heritage I have given you, shall be arrows in My Quiver!
Abba Father
Psalm 8:2; 127:3-5
Proverbs 4:23; 13:24; 22:6
Isaiah 49:2
Hosea 4:6-10
Haggai 2
Matthew 18:6–14; 19:14; 21:16
Ephesians 6:1; 6:10- 20
Revelation 11:1-10; 18:2-8