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Writer's picture: Warrior WomanWarrior Woman

This morning as I was praying I heard the word… SUDDENLY in a small sweet voice. God is the God of “suddenly.” and we can all testify that suddenly the seasons have changed, from winter to spring in some locations from the dry season to wet season/planting season.

“He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;”

Daniel 2:21 ESV

If you are still seeing signs of living in captivity like; the loss of your dream, the loss of your laugh, the loss of your joy, the loss of your testimony, the loss of your hope, and the loss of your fruitfulness… I am here to encourage you that God is moving with His wind to suddenly change your situation… listen to the wind… listen…

“Long ago I told you what was going to happen. Then suddenly I took action, and all my predictions came true.”

Isaiah 48:3 NLT

God is able to suddenly bring a blessing out of the tragedy you have been facing from the last season. He is the one who removes kings and sets them up. He reveals deep  and hidden things because He knows what is in the darkness.

I know you have felt like you have said it all at this point and you have prayed and sought God in all ways you can possibly do it, but you still feeling like there is no change in your situation. That’s because something new is coming, God doesn’t work with old wine skins. He doesn’t rebuild from old buildings. When He is beginning something new, He first of all begins by destroying just like a farmer has to clear the land right now to be able to plant seeds in the ground.

So yes, what you are feeling isn’t a coincidence, there is a lot of discomfort and at this point you feel like the load is too heavy to carry. If I am right, you have been crying and asking God some questions that you probably had stopped asking. You are forced to cry through your prayer sessions. Truth is God is moving in the wind and even though it doesn’t seem like it, He is working and He is going to work in an instant that you may not even realize it at that very moment.

The Hebrew word of suddenly is pith-ome’ and it means intantly, straightway, quickly so please keen not to miss the moment as it happens quickly. Let this moment not find you complaining or Grambling or you might miss it.

The angel “suddenly” appeared to Mary and gave her “sudden” news. “Suddenly” a great host of angels appeared around the shepherds at Jesus’ birth. “Suddenly” an angel appeared inside Jesus’ empty tomb. “Suddenly” Jesus appeared to two men walking on a road called Emmaus. Note that all the suddenlies have something in common, there is an appearance of an angel or Jesus Himself. Yes, be ready for some angelic visits this season.

“Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once, all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.” Acts 16:26.

Some sudden-lies will happen as a shaking up of things and this might make you fear because all the things around will be looking like they are crumbling down. But that’s because there are doors being opened, there are chains being broken and there is freedom! So no matter what is seems to look like right now, be watchful because there is a new thing God is doing that He hasn’t told you about and it is happening suddenly!


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