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Writer's picture: Warrior WomanWarrior Woman

This morning when I woke up I heard a word sounding in my mind so loud “the grumbling spirit” so I began to ask the Lord what He was trying to say… When I looked at my clock later the numbers 10:10 caught my eye… so the Holy Spirit led me into 1 Corinthians 10:10 that says;

“And we must not embrace their ways by complaining—grumbling with discontent, as many of them did, and were killed by the destroyer!”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Lord begun to speak to me about how the grumbling spirit has eaten up Christians as a virus. 🦠 Grumbling is a way of life for many of us and we pray and fast and do not get an answer from God… because we grumble about almost 😅 everything!

But I want to propose to you that it is a serious sin that aligns us to the work of darkness, and it was a costly sin for the Israelites that should warn every one of us.

The word grumble (gongyzo) means to murmur or speak complaints under your breath against someone or something. One expositor stated that grumbling comes from our agreement with something that is contrary to God’s will. It’s a symptom of faithlessness, and so our mouth declares our agreement with hopelessness.

Given that fact that our mouths contain life and death (see Prov. 18:21), our complaints become negative prophecies over our lives and situations.

Miriam and Aaron, in a sense, complained and grumbled against Moses (see Num. 12:1-10). The Bible indicates that Miriam was a prophetess (see Exod. 15:20). Therefore, she was prophesying against an appointed leader and God heard her complaints—He always hears what we say or ✍️ .

God’s anger burned against Miriam and Aaron, the priest and prophet, and Miriam’s skin turned leprous. What happens to the body of Christ when churches are filled with grumbling, complaining members?

Much of our grumbling isn’t even being whispered anymore, these days complaints are posted all over Facebook and the Internet for others to commiserate with. Many times we have even stated it as struggling with emotions. It’s appalling to read what believers write about in regards to other people, churches, and leaders.

Much of the complaining and negative speech is fruitless, barren words that one day we will be held accountable for. No wonder things become even worse, we are more unfruitful in our prayers and instead of seeing life in things around us, we only see delay and withering…

The Israelites’ grumbling was so serious to God that it severed their covenant with Him; therefore, they were uncovered and became vulnerable to the enemy. Their complaints aligned them with a spirit of death. What kinds of things come out of your mouth? Your words indicate with who or what you are aligning yourself.

God desires that we live above reproach amidst a perverse generation. That means that we are to speak words of life no matter what we are doing.

I believe that our mouths speak what our hearts are full of (see Matt. 12:34). Therefore, if we are full of the Holy Spirit and filled with His Word, then I believe that our mouths will release content that reveals that truth. Let God sanctify your tongue today; ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse and fill you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guard your mouth so that every word that you speak is life.

Jesus indicated that our words are so significant that they could actually condemn us (Matt. 12:37). Besides the effects of grumbling to us, it is a form of rebellion to our Heavenly Father. Grumbling, by its very definition, are words uttered in the flesh.

GRUMBLING will never 👎 take us to our land of PROMISE!

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