Welcome to the month of Elul on the Hebrew Calender...when the "King is in the field"!👑🙌
"Elul is called 'the month of repentance,' 'the month of mercy,' and 'the month of forgiveness.'
Through most of the year, a king lived in a palace, protected by armed guards and iron gates. To have an audience with a king you had to make an appointment, learn palace protocol, and dress correctly. You were then ushered through layers of security into a magnificent palace. Entering into the throne room was intimidating. You had to be very careful what you said and did because the king was on his throne.
But one month each year the king left his palace and went out among his people. He set up his royal tent in a field near a town, and all who wanted to see him were welcomed. The announcement was made: “The king in in the field!” God is especially accessible to you during Elul. You don’t need to climb up to the heavens to get His attention or follow some religious protocol. This is a time when God comes into your field—where you live—to make Himself accessible and surprise you with His presence."
Elul is also a time of harvest, when the King went into the harvest fields outside the city. At such times, anyone could approach him, and he received all with a smiling face and a radiant countenance. This 40 day period is a time to seek the Lord now more than ever, to spend time with Him, in returning and repentance (Teshuvah), and in preparation for the "New Year" that is coming at the end of this month. Seek Him now, while He is near! 🙏
“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6
I have personally felt that this very month warriors are called to dig deeper in the word of God, it is our lifeline for the season ahead, the new year 5783 which is the year of warring for recovery ❤️🩹 and not just for our personal lives but warring for the recovery of the bride of Yeshua.
We enter the year of warring for recovery, prosperity and restoration. Its time to eat the word to be well placed to recover all. We recover through speaking the word...that's how we war. The year PEY GIIMEL (5783).
One more thing I have felt God emphasize is that As we get in deep communion with Him and continue on the quest to fight for the kingdom, there is gonna be justice and vindication for the children of God.
We are going to see thousands of fallen Christians return to Him and 10 thousands of new souls, indeed a huge harvest.
For warriors afflicted with sickness, continue eating His word, the more you eat, the more healing comes to you!
But there is more favour for this month more than every before, may you find favour in the eye of the King 👑Yeshua.
